From Cluj Napoca to Constanta and back We arrived here around 8 in the morning, after 15 hours of traveling by train and still had some hours until our meeting….
Author: Irina
Why I volunteer?
Recently Rosie Probyn held a exhibition called “Why I volunteer” . I choose to give my answer in 4 categories; experience, people, culture and freedom. The people have been the…
Culture Hub Youth Exchange
In April 2019, 41 participants met 65 km away from Istanbul, in the town of Buyukcekmece, for an exchange of art and tradition in the most real sense way possible….
Culture Hub Youth Exchange
In aprilie 2019, 41 participanti s-au intalnit la 65 km departare de Istanbul, in localitatea Buyukcekmece, pentru un schimb de arta si traditie in cel mai propriu mod posibil. Am…
Assertiveness Training
by Felix Jatko Staalnake Hey once again! So far we mostly written about ourself and the life we have here. That’s why this post is going to be about…
Cultural Differences
By Felix Jatko Staalnake Living and working with people from all over Europe is a challenge to start with. Doing this while living in a country far different from your…
Volunteer Life in Constanta – by an English girl
We’ve been here for just over four months now, but it feels like a lifetime. It’s very difficult to put into words the insane, crazy rollercoaster of a journey that…
Swedish View about the Volunteer’s Life in Constanta
You rarely encounter such open and giving people. We have received so much love since our arrival. People have opened their homes for us, others have invited us to their…
R.E.S.P.E.CT. (Responsibility, Education, Solidarity for People and Earth In Constanta)
Short description of the project: Time: 01/06/2018 – 30/09/2019 – 4 months long Place: Constanta, Romania – a big city near the Black Sea Coast The project will include 2…
Creativity 4 Sociability: a Volunteering Experience near Black Sea Coast
Creativity 4 Sociability is the 3rd project of hosting 4 European volunteers in Constanta, Romania, by Association for Promoting Creative&Eco Education and Innovative Abilities CREATIVE+ Short description of the project:…