As part of the “Strategizing You(r)the Wellbeing” project, our Slovakian and Icelandic partners have developed engaging board games designed to promote mental health awareness among young people. These interactive games…
Tag: Erasmus
Promoting Mental Health Education: A Pathway to Inclusion and Wellbeing for Youth
In today’s rapidly changing world, mental health education has emerged as a critical area of focus, particularly within the youth work sector. Our project aligns seamlessly with the horizontal priority…
Culture Hub Youth Exchange
In aprilie 2019, 41 participanti s-au intalnit la 65 km departare de Istanbul, in localitatea Buyukcekmece, pentru un schimb de arta si traditie in cel mai propriu mod posibil. Am…
Creativity 4 Sociability: a Volunteering Experience near Black Sea Coast
Creativity 4 Sociability is the 3rd project of hosting 4 European volunteers in Constanta, Romania, by Association for Promoting Creative&Eco Education and Innovative Abilities CREATIVE+ Short description of the project:…
What have I learned in Romania
My name is Mariam Akobia, I am from Georgia and I did a long European Voluntary Service in Constanta, a big city in Romania. The name of my project was:…
by JUAN ANAYA RODRÍGUEZ, ERASMUS + VOLUNTEER IN CONSTANTA (ROMANIA) At the beginning of my adventure I could not believe it that I was going to take the step to live in a…