Armenian Intercultural Night

On September 9th, starting with 6:00 PM, we'll meet for the second intercultural night out of the series of 4! 🌎🌎 This is an event in the project "EV-yeS to Emotions" funded by Erasmus+ program of European Union, thanks to Interkulturelles Zentrum - Austrian NA.

Armenian Intercultural Night

On September 9th, starting with 6:00 PM, we'll meet for the second intercultural night out of the series of 4! 🌎🌎 This is an event in the project "EV-yeS to Emotions" funded by Erasmus+ program of European Union, thanks to Interkulturelles Zentrum - Austrian NA.

Spanish/Canary Islands Intercultural Night

club Doors

On September 14th, starting with 8:00 PM, we'll meet for the third intercultural night out of the series of 4! 🌎🌎 This is an event in the project "EV-yeS to Emotions" funded by Erasmus+ program of European Union, thanks to Interkulturelles Zentrum - Austrian NA.

Spanish/Canary Islands Intercultural Night

club Doors

On September 14th, starting with 8:00 PM, we'll meet for the third intercultural night out of the series of 4! 🌎🌎 This is an event in the project "EV-yeS to Emotions" funded by Erasmus+ program of European Union, thanks to Interkulturelles Zentrum - Austrian NA.

Liceenii si proiectele Erasmus+

Liceul Teoretic Decebal Constanta Al Horia Agarici nr 4, Constanta, România

Eveniment de diseminare a proiectului "Rural but Crucial" - schimb de tineri De la ora 10, liceeni din clasele a IXa si a XIIa se vor intalni la bilbioteca liceului cu un grup de voluntari ai organizatiei noastre, care le vor prezenta oportunitatile oferite de programul Erasmus+ Mobilitati, cu exemplul dat de schimbul de tineri...

Liceenii si proiectele Erasmus+

Liceul Teoretic Decebal Constanta Al Horia Agarici nr 4, Constanta, România

Eveniment de diseminare a proiectului "Rural but Crucial" - schimb de tineri De la ora 10, liceeni din clasele a IXa si a XIIa se vor intalni la bilbioteca liceului cu un grup de voluntari ai organizatiei noastre, care le vor prezenta oportunitatile oferite de programul Erasmus+ Mobilitati, cu exemplul dat de schimbul de tineri...

Expo ONG

Vivo! Vivo, Constanța, România

Expo ONG

Vivo! Vivo, Constanța, România